Author Teressa Moore Griffin takes you on a journey of self-discovery that can reveal choices you didn’t know you had about how to live your life. She describes the ways that LIES—labels, illusions, excuses, and stories—limit your capacity to self-actualize, or be all that you can be. Each chapter offers reflective practices and practical suggestions. I decided to recommend this book to my readers because I think that while both women and men will find it useful, women have an added challenge with focusing on their own wants and needs instead of on the needs of others. Griffin writes about the importance of becoming aware of the negative self-talk that we all do that may unconsciously limit the options we can see for ourselves. For example, when I was growing up, my high school guidance counselor told me not to bother taking advanced math and science courses because “girls are not good at math and science.” I believed him and internalized that message. When I got to college, I avoided all career options that required math or science courses. After college, I was terrified about going back to school for a master of arts degree in a field that interested me because math courses were a required part of the curriculum. I did go forward with this degree at the urging of my friends, and—you guessed it. I discovered that I am actually quite good at math and science, but my internal voice—formed from early experiences and messages from respected adults—kept me fearful of making certain choices for many years, so I missed numerous opportunities. The author also points out that larger historical events can shape our limiting beliefs. She gives examples of ways that the history of slavery in the United States may have shaped some of her limiting messages as an African American. Becoming aware of them gave her choices. Griffin’s message is that we can reclaim our passion and purpose if we become aware of our conscious and unconscious limiting messages and reconnect to our unrealized dreams and desires. She offers tools and practices to help with this journey of rediscovery. The possibilities of greater energy and fulfillment lie at the end of this journey. What are your limiting beliefs?]]>