"New Rules for Women offers a new framework and important new concepts in understanding the subtle--often invisible--gender dynamics that influence women's workplace relationships. A practical book--filled with tips, tools, exercises, and worksheets--it has the potential to free us from negative stereotypes while helping us reclaim parts of our experience in the workplace that have been misunderstood and devalued."
--Joyce K. Fletcher, Distinguished Scholar, Center for Gender in Organizations, Simmons School of Management, and author of Disappearing Acts: Gender, Power and Relational Practice at Work
"This is a phenomenal book for all women at all levels of any organization. It reads very easily and has practical next-step instructions. I regret that it was not available to me during my professional career in healthcare. New Rules for Women is a must read, and I highly recommend it to managers and staff. Dr. Litwin has given women a tool that can definitely 'revolutionize the way women work together.'"
--Joanne K. Carr, retired Associate Medical Center Director/Nurse Executive
"I have advocated for women in the tech world since the 1980s and been frustrated by our relative lack of progress. Until I read Anne Litwin's research, I never looked at women's implicit attitudes toward friendship as a significant contributor to friction and lowered performance in the workplace. New Rules for Women shows the power of naming these 'rules.' With practical advice in every chapter, I see new ways to attract and retain women, value the strengths that women bring, and unleash their full potential to speed a company toward its goals. Nothing could be more important."
--Deborah Rieman, Executive Chairman, Metamarkets
"With New Rules for Women, Anne Litwin has marshaled compelling evidence for a revolutionary way of thinking about women's relationships with other women in the workplace. She delves into complex territory and asks brave questions about the ways in which women's unspoken assumptions about their female colleagues and bosses can undermine their overall effectiveness and performance. This is a must-read. With fascinating research based on a diverse set of women in the workplace, and engaging style, and practical wisdom, this is a superb read for anyone interested in gender equity in the workplace."
--Michele Tracy Berger, Associate Professor, Department of Women's and Gender Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"This book is full of life lessons from other women that all women can get value from. I encourage all women to read this book and use these 'new rules' to break the next glass ceiling for other women or to take down the barriers in their own careers."
--Carrie Battaglia, Vice President of Global End User Services, Hewlett-Packard
"Anne Litwin offers a fascinating discussion of a complex problem. I highly recommend it to all working women who feel that they are falling behind regardless of their hard work."
--Behrooz Fattahi, PhD, 2014 President, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, and 2010 President, Society of Petroleum Engineers International
"I want to buy this book for my daughter and every woman I work with, especially those who are early in their careers! I wish I'd had the benefit of Anne's insights when I was first navigating the waters of working relationships. Like many, I came up through the ranks and bumped up against 'boundary confusion' with friends as my role changed. This book provides valuable and actionable ideas for when and how to deal with these issues!"
--Peggy Depaoli, Director, Hewlett Packard
"We can all learn a great deal about subtle behavioral patterns and powerful forces that cause women to struggle in work environments. This books offers tools for enhancing morale and creating more supportive professional relationships and dynamics. Anne Litwin demonstrates through her research and case studies that we, men as well as women, have the power to change destructive patterns and transform organizational cultures."
--Joel Seligman, President, University of Rochester
"This book is spot-on with the issues that women encounter in the corporate world today. The research is interesting and relevant to both men and women who are engaged in enterprise work. It offers thought-provoking insights into how women behave differently from men in the workplace and how we can spot, and change, behaviors to make people more productive."
--Lisa Danzer, Solution Executive, Americas Solution Integration and Design, HP Enterprise Services, and President Emeritus, DFW*ATW
"Anne Litwin has deftly tackled the delicate issue of woman-on-woman aggression. She provides critical insights for all of us by documenting and explaining how, in the business world, women's internalized expectations of collaboration and egalitarianism can lead to women damaging each others' careers and provides astute recommendations on how to address the problem."
--Eve Sprunt, PhD, 2006 President, Society of Petroleum Engineers, and consultant, Eve Sprunt and Associates
"This book reveals new aspects of women's relationships that I have never seen written about before. It is surprising how women all over the world seem to have the same pattern of interactions that help stop each other from being successful. All the situations described in the book are quite familiar to me, and now I see my relations with other women from a different angle."
--Dr. Barbara Kollenda, Managing Director, ProLubium GmbH
"Dr. Litwin handles the important and urgent topic of women's relationships and the work environment in a provocative way. Great businesses will work to solve this problem, thereby continuing to unleash differentiated talent in their organizations."
--Susan Arthur, Vice President, Hewlett-Packard
"In New Rules for Women, Dr. Anne Litwin provides research and insights that help women identify detrimental behaviors and transform them into effective approaches. It is through developing mutually beneficial relationships with men and women that we best advance our organizations, our teams, and our careers."
--Betty Shanahan, CAE, MBA, Past Executive Director and CEO, Society of Women Engineers
"This is a brave and important book that will help us leverage our strengths as women and allow us to be a powerful example for men of how to be both friends and productive colleagues in the workplace. Anne's research and case studies sharpened my awareness of woman-to-woman dynamics, and the format of the book is comfortable and easy to follow. This is a good book for a women's study group to read with excellent questions for us to ponder together."
--Nancy L Seleski, Director, Supply Chain Services & Quality, 3M Industrial Business Group
"I have now carefully read this book and been enlightened by each chapter. I have been able to connect many experiences to this paradigm. This book is truly pathbreaking in my view. It is also so beautifully written with challenging concepts simply explained and wonderfully illustrated with poignant and interesting examples. I love the fact there are also skill practices presented and described and activities that can be undertaken at the end of each chapter. It's really a one-stop shop--theory, research, implications, action--all in an attractive, one-slim volume!"
--David Kiel, Dr. P.H., Leadership Coordinator, Center for Faculty Excellence, UNC-Chapel Hill